How Did I Get My First 1K Followers On Instagram?

It’s hard. But there are ways. Let me show you what I’ve done in 5 simple steps.

Edgaras Katinas
6 min readDec 29, 2019
Photo by Emma Matthews Digital Content Production on Unsplash

Instagram now has over 1 billion active users of which 80% follow at least one business account; over 500 million accounts use Instagram Stories on a daily basis. Have you started seeing the potential?

No wonder, Instagram has grown into one of the most powerful marketing platforms and it’s nowhere near in reducing its strength in 2020. Instagram has become more than just a platform to share your photos. It’s a powerful marketing platform for businesses, bloggers, influencers, and even your pet.

Despite all this, it has never been harder to succeed on Instagram. Why? It’s simple. The social media platform has addressed many issues, related to bot-generated engagement, fake accounts, it has changed the way we see our feeds, and now it’s trying to hide the total number of likes.

Instagrammers will only have to adapt to the constant changes. But there are some things that will always work.

Social media is for socialising

If you have an account, stop hiding under the rock and start engaging with other Instagrammers. By connecting with them, you’ll boost your visibility and increase the…



Edgaras Katinas

Marketer | I write about marketing, money and personal development| Check out my marketing agency